
Monday, December 12, 2011

5-8 with a win over Miami

After week thirteen we have finally got our fifth win, with still a glimmering hope of clinching playoffs and becoming a menace to the rest of the league. At this point I want to play the spoiler for someone, whether it is the Giants or the Cowboys. The good things that I saw from the Eagles was more running than we have seen in weeks. In the first quarter, Vick was struggling and slipping all over the place, but he gained his composure and came through in the second. My major concern for the offense was that they still have not been a second half offense that continues to dominate. They get to a comfortable spot and then do not score in the second half. That has a been a problem area all year. The defense was spectacular, getting a lot of pressure on Moore (quarterback of Miami) and taking him out of the game for awhile. The defense had four sacks in the first two quarters of play with the defensive secondary getting two turnovers, which helped take the wind out of the crowd and the opposing team. I am still concerned that if we win out and make the playoffs that Andy Reid will get another shot in his thirteen years stint with the Eagles. We need him gone if we are ever going to be able to rebuild.